Sunday, November 29, 2009

Re-capturing Advent with Stanley Hauerwas

To re-capture Advent is to re-capture a sense of what it means to live as a people in a world which has taken the time of god's patience not to live the way jesus made it possible to live.
So, advent is the recovery of how to live in a world of impatience as a patient people. - S. Hauerwas


Robb said...

"The Jews had to live for 2000 years of Christianity in the way that Jesus wanted us to live." Uh, wow. That's something to chew on on a crazy number of levels for awhile...
And as usual Stanley expresses the meaning of non-violence with more truth and depth and power than one will usually ever hear.
Its so weird to me that we never got to share folks like hauerwas and merton while we were at seminary together - cool its coming now though.

rheimbro said...

Yeah, Hauerwas especially was someone I had always just passed over. I still have yet to pick up one of his books, but have been finding various articles quite helpful.

I have got to say that I have come back to this video several times this Advent season. The connection to non-violence has been especially encouraging in light of Obama's decision to escalate troops and then defend (what I feel) is a skewed reality of just war and just peace theory.

The funny thing about Just War theory is that everyone likes to skip over the whole "last resort" criteria. But that is a whole other post...