Sunday, January 04, 2009

Meet Mr. Smith, the Eleventh Doctor.

The Doctor has gone by Mr. Smith for a long time now, however this is the first time it can truthfully be given as his name.

Today the BBC announced that Matt Smith will take on the role of the Doctor starting in 2010 with the 5th season. David Tennant is going to film some specials that will air throughout 2009, ending with the 2009 Christmas Special.

Matt Smith seemed to come out of nowhere and was not even mentioned as a main contender until yesterday. He is officially the youngest actor to portray the Doctor, and at 26 is even younger than me! He seems quirky enough in this interview that he could make an interesting Doctor, however his age is probably going to be the biggest barrier for most people. I know I was hoping for someone in their 40s/50s, but I am more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and reserve judgment until next year rolls around.