Thursday, January 06, 2005

New Quarter, New Classes, New Experiences

It has been a great week.
At first I was unable to registered, but God has provided and brought the help I needed to do so. I am officially registered as of today in some pretty awesome classes.

I am continuing with my studies in Greek this quarter.. we focused on nouns, pronouns and adjectives last time, this quarter we are going to work on verbs. I ended up with a 96.2 for my final grade last quarter and am pretty psyched about this one.

I am also continuing in a course called Foundations for Ministry. It isa class that is half seminars and half small group sessions. I enjoy the small group, but the seminars are very long and tend to be very boring and off topic.

As for my new classes this quarter, I am in Early Church History, and a class called The Gospel of the Kingdom: Ladd's Theology I am most excited abou thte class on Ladd's Theology. George Ladd was a prof. at Fuller for about 30 years I think and he has been one of the more prominant scholars in the NT, specifically in terms of eschatology(study of the end times) and the kingdom of God. My favorite prof. from last quarter, Dr. Hagner is teaching this class so I am looking forward to a great time.

Outside of class I am still trying to figure out what to do with work. I gave them my availabilty and then was scheduled at times when I cannot work as well as I now am in class on mon/wed mornings so that narrows down my availability. I have a pplied to a work study position here on campus which will be more flexible, and also be more consistent. But, I am praying, I do dislike the valet job very much, but I know that I cannot quit without something there to back it up with. argh. frustrations.

Mostly I am recoginizing the many blessing god has been showering me with lately. He has provided a great community out here in Pasadena that is still widening for me. I have also been blessed by many people from back east. Whether it has been a random IM conversation, a christmas card, a phone call or just a fond memory, I have been seeing the people god has put in my life at all stages and places as some of the most important things I know. God has blessed me with my job, regardless of my enjoyment level at the moment. He has provided me a place to worship in a good community on sundays and chances to start getting involved at church more. ANd yes, he has blessed me with a wonderful new relationship, but even more important than that, is that he has brought me to a much healthier mental state than I was in a year ago. Bad things happened then, and they still happen, but I am not in a place where pills or anxiety are the answer. I am much closer to him and have a greater sense of his peace in my life. For this reason, I am confident 2005 will be a trying year I am sure, but it will be a good and wonderful year as well.